Seafood Quality Control

Illnesses and food poisoning caused by seafood can be a severe issue if left unchecked or unmanaged. As one of the most high-risk categories of food, it’s vitally important to have safety processes in place to prevent severe illness.

Quality and freshness are essential characteristics to consider when it comes to testing seafood as well as the sourcing and compliance of seafood from various retailers and brands.

At Global Inspection Managing, we offer exemplary services for the seafood sector, with highly trained and certified food inspection specialists as part of our team. This ensures that a high standard of safety and exceptional professionalism you’d expect from our brand. By certifying our inspectors in-house, we can ensure highly accurate results in all aspects of seafood testing, including:

Our expertise ensures we can work in a wide range of different settings and with all areas of seafood, including fish fillets, portions, whole fish, shellfish, crustaceans, and mollusc. We work to the highest industry standards to provide thorough analysis and testing that’s quick, effective, and well-managed from start to finish.

Our knowledge and expertise in the seafood sector

Global Inspection Managing has a history of providing exceptional services to the broader food industry, and seafood is no exception. Our inspectors are fully trained to complete their work to the highest standards, from the identification and grading of fish and seafood through to the assessment of in-house practices and procedures.

We use specifically-designed checklists to cover every aspect of inspection with the same exacting quality every time, in line with local, international, and in-house regulations and specifications.

All laboratory testing we complete as part of a full seafood inspection is according to all required national and international safety testing standards, including:

  • EU Food Law, FSA and EFSA
  • US FDA
  • BG
  • ISO
  • AOAC

For all sampling we undertake in the environments we are testing, the guidelines defined with the World Health Organisation Food Code are followed to the letter. This ensures all seafood QC services are fully representative of shipments and imports, rather than just based on provided samples from suppliers and broader businesses.

Professional seafood safety solutions

We offer the full spectrum of seafood safety solutions, to ensure we’re your single source for all requirements your business, or the businesses you’re working with, may require. The solutions we offer for food safety include:

  • Microbiological testing
  • Grading (A, B or C) for seafood and fish quality
  • Freshness of fish and seafood quality based on physical checked as well as the QIM (quality index method)
  • Identification and testing of biotoxins, histamines and heavy metals
  • Size control evaluation and standards or uniform production
  • Drip loss and glazed testing to prevent and identify food fraud
  • International regulations checks for defectives, alongside national standards and specifications

High-quality auditing

Alongside our professional seafood inspections, carried out by highly qualified internal inspectors, we also offer expert seafood audits, to provide you with a clear and accurate picture of the compliance and ethical standards within the supply chain for seafood in your business. These services include:

  • Ethical auditing: Investigating the working conditions, social compliance and other standards of your business and wider company
  • GHP Hygiene auditing: Ensuring your business meets international standards and regulations defined for hygiene
  • GMP Good Manufacturing Practices auditing: Supporting businesses to match GMP compliance requirements and ensuring a higher standard of safety in your supply chain

Why choose Global Inspection Managing?

As experts in our field with years of experience working with foods of all types, we’re the outsourced inspection service you want for your business.

We provide comprehensive seafood QC services worldwide, ensuring the utmost professionalism in the solutions we offer.

Contact us today to find out how we can help your business meet compliance requirements, and perform accurate food safety testing with meaningful results.

The GIM Advantage

GIM's team of inspectors, auditors and lab experts are specialized by industry to ensure your products meet all safety and performance standards for your destination market.

Global coverage, local expertise
Detailed reports and photographic evidence
Reports posted online within 24 hours of completion
Dedicated and knowledgeable account managers
GIM Inspectors Are Available From As Little As 269 USD Per Day
Get A Detailed Quote Now!


Answers to some of the most common questions & concerns.

What is seafood quality assurance ?
Seafood quality assurance refers to a comprehensive set of practices, procedures, and protocols implemented throughout the seafood supply chain to ensure that seafood products meet specific quality and safety standards. The goal of seafood quality assurance is to maintain the highest possible level of product quality, safety, and consistency for seafood that is harvested, processed, distributed, and consumed by customers. This is particularly important in the seafood industry due to the perishable nature of seafood products and potential health risks associated with consuming contaminated or spoiled seafood.
What are the indicators of seafood to ensure quality control?
Quality control in the seafood industry involves monitoring various indicators to ensure that seafood products meet the required standards of safety, freshness, and overall quality. These indicators help assess the condition of seafood and its suitability for consumption. Here are some key indicators of seafood quality control:
  • Appearance, Texture and Consistency
  • Smell, Flavor and Taste
  • Packaging and Labeling
  • Temperature Control
  • Microbiological and Chemical Analysis
  • Size and Weight
  • Packaging and Presentation
What are various testing standards for seafood ?
The seafood industry is subject to various testing standards and regulations to ensure the safety and quality of seafood products. These standards are typically established by government agencies, international organizations, and industry bodies. Here are some of the key testing standards and regulations for seafood:
Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP)
EU Regulation (EC) No 853/2004
U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT)
National Standards
Is seafood regulated by the FDA?
Yes, seafood is regulated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in the United States. FDA plays a significant role in ensuring the safety, labeling, and quality of seafood products sold in the U.S. market. The agency's regulatory oversight covers various aspects of the seafood industry, including seafood processing, distribution, importation, and retail.
What is seafood HACCP?
Seafood HACCP, often referred to as the "Seafood Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point" program is a systematic and preventive approach to food safety management specifically designed for the seafood industry. It focuses on identifying, evaluating, and controlling potential hazards associated with seafood production and processing to ensure the safety of seafood products consumed by consumers.

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Suite C, Level 7, World Trust Tower, 50 Stanley Street, Central, Hong Kong