5 Key Steps to Implement an Effective Supplier Development Process

In the modern business landscape, where the strength of an organization’s supply chain can be the difference between success and failure, supplier development emerges as a crucial strategic function. This practice transcends traditional buyer-supplier relationships, fostering a deeper collaboration that focuses on nurturing and enhancing a supplier’s performance and overall capabilities to meet the evolving needs and objectives of the purchasing organisation.

Far from being a mere transactional interaction, supplier development is rooted in the recognition that suppliers are integral partners whose growth and operational health directly impact the purchasing organisation’s ability to compete and innovate in the marketplace. It’s a symbiotic relationship, where suppliers are provided with the tools and guidance to improve and the benefits manifest in the form of higher quality products, better service and, often, more favourable costs.

Goals of Supplier Development

This strategic approach requires your organization to take a proactive stance, actively investing in your suppliers’ processes, technology and human capital. The aim is to create a resilient, agile and ethically sound supply base that can withstand market fluctuations, adapt to new challenges and contribute to mutual growth and success.

Engaging in supplier development is not just about ensuring the next shipment arrives on time; it’s about building a supply chain that can be a source of competitive advantage, innovation and sustainability. It’s about crafting a network of suppliers that operate as an extension of your organisation’s own business, sharing in its values, striving towards its quality benchmarks and contributing to its strategic milestones.

In the following sections, we’ll explore the benefits of supplier development for both your organisation and your suppliers as well as the critical steps involved to achieve, among others, enhanced product quality, reduced costs and improved product delivery and innovation for a stronger supply chain.

What are the Benefits of Supplier Development?

The pursuit of supplier development is a strategic choice that offers a spectrum of benefits, extending well beyond simple procurement efficiency. When an organisation decides to invest in the growth and capabilities of its suppliers, it sets off a ripple effect of improvements and opportunities that can be felt across both entities.

Enhanced competitiveness through cost reductions and quality improvements: For the buyer, supplier development is a gateway to achieving a more competitive stance in the market. By working with suppliers to reduce costs and streamline processes, the buyer can enjoy lower procurement expenses without compromising on quality. Furthermore, improvements in the quality of materials or services received can result in a superior end product, which, in turn, strengthens the buyer’s market position.

Increased supplier commitment and loyalty: From the supplier’s perspective, such development initiatives signal a commitment to their business, fostering a stronger sense of allegiance and loyalty. This deepened engagement often translates into the supplier being more responsive and invested in the buyer’s success, leading to preferential treatment and prioritisation of the buyer’s needs.

More collaborative supplier relationships that lead to innovation: Collaboration is another significant benefit of supplier development. When buyers and suppliers work together closely, they share knowledge and innovate collectively. This teamwork can lead to breakthroughs in product design, material use and manufacturing processes, benefiting both parties. The buyer gains access to new, innovative products and services, and the supplier expands their capabilities and market offerings.

Reduced supply chain disruptions due to supplier issues: One of the most practical benefits is the reduction in supply chain disruptions. Suppliers that are well-integrated into the buyer’s development programmes are more likely to be reliable, as they understand the buyer’s expectations and are equipped to meet them. This reliability can significantly reduce the risk of disruptions that lead to delays, stockouts and, ultimately, lost sales.

Better risk management and supply chain transparency: Finally, supplier development promotes better risk management and enhances transparency within the supply chain. Buyers gain a clearer view of their suppliers’ operations, which allows for more effective monitoring and management of potential risks. This visibility is not only crucial for the buyer’s risk mitigation strategies but also enables suppliers to better align themselves with the buyer’s risk profile and compliance requirements.

5 Key Steps to Take in the Supplier Development Process

Now that the objectives and benefits of supplier development are clear, what are the five key steps you need to take to establish a supplier development process that works for your organisation? We outline them here:

1.  Choose a Supplier

The selection of a supplier is a multi-faceted decision-making process that goes beyond the simple comparison of prices. Companies should evaluate potential suppliers on a range of factors, including:

·   Cost: Analyse not just the initial prices but also consider the total cost of ownership, which includes after-sales service, delivery costs, payment terms and potential cost savings over time.

·   Quality: Assess the supplier’s ability to provide goods or services that meet your specifications and quality requirements consistently.

·   Reliability: Consider the supplier’s track record for delivering on time and their ability to respond to unexpected demands.

·   Compatibility: Evaluate whether the supplier’s business practices, corporate culture and ethical standards align with your company’s.

·   Capacity and Scalability: Ensure the supplier has the capacity to meet your current demands and the flexibility to scale up as your needs grow.

·   Technological Capability: Verify the supplier’s level of technology and their ability to keep pace with industry innovations.

·   Strategic Fit: Analyse how well the supplier complements your company’s long-term strategic goals, including entering new markets or sustainable practices.

2.  Rate the Supplier using KPIs

Once a supplier is onboard, you should set Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) that allow you to ascertain a current benchmark of where they are at. These include:

·   On-Time Delivery Rate: How frequently does the supplier deliver goods on or before the promised delivery date?

·   Quality Acceptance Rate: What percentage of products are received without defects or that meet the quality standards?

·   Response Time to Issues: How quickly does the supplier address and resolve issues or queries?

·   Cost Competitiveness: How able is the supplier to provide cost-effective solutions without compromising on quality?

·   Innovation Contribution: How often and relevant are the supplier’s suggestions for product or process improvement?

3.  Conduct Supplier Audits

Regular supplier audits are essential for ensuring compliance and continuous improvement. Consider the following audits:

On-Site Evaluations: Visit the supplier’s facility to assess operational processes and the actual working conditions.

·   Process Reviews: Evaluate the efficiency and effectiveness of the supplier’s processes to ensure they align with agreed standards.

·   Quality Checks: Inspect the products and review quality control and testing methods to confirm they meet required specifications.

·   Compliance Verification: Check to ensure the supplier meets all industry-specific regulations and standards.

4.  Measure Supplier Performance

Audits in and of themselves are not enough. You need to have a continuous measurement and feedback system is place both to assess current capabilities and to plan future further development of the suppliers you use:

·   Performance Tracking: Use the KPIs you have set to monitor performance trends over time.

·   Benchmarking: Compare the supplier’s performance against industry best practices or competitors to identify areas for improvement.

·   Feedback Mechanisms: Establish clear channels for providing the supplier with regular performance feedback.

·   Corrective Action Plans: Develop and implement action plans with the supplier to address any performance issues.

5.  Develop and Manage Supplier Capabilities

The final step involves a proactive approach to enhancing the supplier’s capabilities. Here are some ideas to consider:

·   Technical Support: Provide access to better technology or expertise to improve the supplier’s production capabilities.

·   Operational Assistance: Help streamline the supplier’s processes to improve efficiency and productivity.

·   Co-Investment: Participate in joint investments for process upgrades or new technology that can benefit both parties.

·   Joint Product Development: Collaborate on developing new products which could give a competitive advantage and open up new markets.

·   Training and Education: Offer training programmes to develop the supplier’s workforce, improving their skill levels to meet your company’s needs.

As we have seen, supplier development is not a mere operational tactic but a strategic approach that can yield a competitive edge in today’s fast-paced market. It’s a win-win scenario where the buying company benefits from improved supply chain reliability and performance, and suppliers enjoy increased business and opportunities for growth. A systematic approach to supplier development, rooted in clear goals and robust processes, is essential to realising these benefits. Through commitment to this strategy, your organisation can forge stronger, more robust and resilient supply chains that are capable of meeting the challenges of modern commerce.

Discuss with us how to implement an effective supplier development process in your organisation today.

What Is The Certificate of Conformity?

A critical facilitator for the seamless export and import of goods is the Certificate of Conformity (COC). This document serves as an authoritative declaration that a product has met the required safety, quality and regulatory standards of the importing country. The COC is not merely a formality but a prerequisite for manufacturers aiming to penetrate international markets, ensuring that their products are compliant with the destination country’s regulatory environment.

For businesses engaged in the manufacturing sector, the significance of obtaining a COC cannot be overstated. It acts as a guarantor, assuring both trade partners and regulatory authorities that the product adheres to the minimum requirements set by the importing jurisdiction. This certification is essential for navigating the complex landscape of international trade regulations, where each country may have its own set of standards and compliance requirements.

The COC is, therefore, a linchpin for manufacturers, not only affirming the quality and compliance of their products but also facilitating smoother customs clearance, reducing the risk of entry barriers or delays. In essence, it underscores a manufacturer’s commitment to global standards of excellence, ensuring their products are positioned for success in the competitive international marketplace.

What is the Purpose of a Certificate of Conformity ?

The main job of the COC is to be the bridge of trust between manufacturers, regulators and consumers. It serves multiple purposes:

Safety and Quality Assurance: It tells consumers and businesses that the product they are buying isn’t going to fail within the period of warranty and won’t cause any harm in its use.

Regulatory Compliance: For manufacturers, it’s a pass to show that they’re not playing by their own rules but following industry standards.

Market Access: Having a COC can also be the golden ticket to entering new markets, especially those with strict regulations such as the EU or the USA.

Is Certificate of Conformity Mandatory?

Whether a COC is mandatory depends on what you’re making and where you’re selling it. In many industries and countries, especially those with strict safety and environmental audit standards, it is likely mandatory. For others, it might be voluntary but highly recommended, as it can significantly ease the process of entering new markets and gaining customer trust.

How to Get a Certificate Of Conformity?

Getting a COC involves a few steps, which can vary depending on the product and the regulations in your industry.

Know the Requirements: Before embarking on the journey to secure a COC, it’s critical to thoroughly understand the specific standards and regulatory requirements that are relevant to your product in your target market. This groundwork involves pinpointing the international or regional standards, such as ISO standards or European CE marking directives, which dictate the safety, quality and performance criteria your product must meet.

Test and Evaluate: With the relevant standards in mind, the next step is to engage with an accredited laboratory that specializes in testing products within your industry. The chosen laboratory will subject your product to a series of tests that measure compliance with the required standards. Following this, the laboratory testing will produce detailed test reports that reflect how well the product aligns with the regulatory criteria.

Compile Documentation: After successful testing, the next phase is to compile a comprehensive file of documentation. This file typically includes the test reports from the accredited lab, a detailed description of the manufacturing processes, proof of quality control mechanisms in place and any other information that demonstrates consistent compliance with the standards.

Apply for the COC: Finally, you’ll take all of this evidence and apply for the COC with the appropriate regulatory body or certification agency. This involves submitting a package of documents, including the results from the accredited laboratory, your internal quality control documentation and often a Declaration of Conformity, which is a self-declaration that your product meets all the necessary regulations. The regulatory body then reviews your submission and, if satisfied, issues the Certificate of Conformity.

This certificate is an official document affirming that a product has been evaluated and approved as meeting the necessary quality, safety, and performance standards, enabling you to trade within and across international borders with confidence.

What Details are Included in the Certificate of Conformance?

A COC is not just a piece of paper; it’s a comprehensive document that includes vital information about the product, such as:

Manufacturer’s Details: This serves as the identity card for the product’s origin. It includes the full name and address of the manufacturer, as well as contact information. It may also list any additional manufacturing sites if relevant to the certification process. This information provides traceability and accountability, enabling authorities and consumers to know exactly who is responsible for the product.

Product Specifications: Here, you will find a detailed description of the product, including its design, type, model and any variations if applicable. The specifications also cover the materials and components used, their source and the technical parameters that define the product’s performance. This could extend to dimensions, weight, capacities, or other pertinent physical and functional characteristics that are relevant to the standards the product must meet.

Test Results: The test results offer concrete evidence of the product’s compliance with the listed standards. This section summarizes the outcomes of all assessments carried out by the accredited laboratory or testing facility. It includes detailed results of each test, measurements taken and how these compare to the required thresholds or acceptance criteria.

Standards Met: This critical part of the COC lists all the specific standards and regulations the product complies with. These could be international standards like those set by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) or specific regional directives such as the EU’s CE marking requirements. This demonstrates that the product has been rigorously evaluated and meets the established criteria for quality, safety and performance.

Batch or Serial Number: To ensure that the COC is linked to a specific set of products, each certificate carries a unique identifier. This could be a batch number, which relates to a group of products manufactured in a single run under uniform conditions, or a serial number for individual product tracking. This number is vital for recalls, quality assurance processes, or regulatory checks, allowing for the precise identification of the certified product group or unit.

Together, these details compose the COC, a document that not only affirms compliance but also provides the necessary transparency and assurance for regulators, trade partners and consumers about the product’s adherence to required standards.

 What is the Difference Between a COA and COC?

A Certificate of Analysis (COA) and a Certificate of Conformity (COC) might sound similar, but they serve different purposes. A COA is more about the product’s specific test results and measurements, showing how it performed in tests against certain parameters. It’s like a report card. On the other hand, a COC is an overall declaration that the product meets the required standards, more like a graduation certificate.

When exporting goods, safety and quality cannot be compromised and the Certificate of Conformity stands as a beacon of assurance. The responsibility that accompanies the issuance of a COC is substantial. As a manufacturer, by affixing your signature to this document, you are making a firm commitment that your product fully adheres to the legal standards required. This is not a declaration to be taken lightly. As an importer, it is imperative that you have the capacity to produce the COC upon request, as failure to do so can result in significant financial penalties.

Beyond the immediate risk of fines, the gravity of responsibility extends to the condition of the product itself. Should any product be found defective, the importer – and by extension, the manufacturer – is held accountable for any resultant damage. Such scenarios can lead to the even more serious action of product recalls, a costly and reputation-damaging affair.

Given these extensive implications, it is clear that the COC represents a crucial step in your manufacturing and distribution process. It is of utmost importance to approach this with diligence and thoroughness, ensuring that your products unequivocally meet all the necessary legal requirements. The COC is not just a document; it is a testament to the integrity and safety of your products and, by extension, your brand.Contact us for enquiries on how to prepare a Certificate of Conformity that meets the standards of the jurisdictions into which you are importing.

How to Set a Suitable AQL Level ?

When manufacturing products, ensuring quality is a paramount concern. This is where the concept of Acceptable Quality Level (AQL) comes into play. AQL is a crucial tool in quality control that helps to determine a product’s quality limit, in other words, the highest number of defective items considered acceptable during a random sampling of an inspection without having to reject the entire batch. Setting a suitable AQL level is not a one-size-fits-all process. It varies according to several factors. Understanding the types of product defects and factors determining the AQL limit you should be setting is a critical step. In this article, we break down these components to aid in establishing the appropriate AQL for your products.

Types of Product Defects

Defects can be categorised into three main types: critical, major and minor. Understanding these categories is essential for determining AQL levels.

Critical Defects: These are the most severe type of defects that could result in unsafe conditions or contravene mandatory regulations. Products with critical defects are considered to be completely unusable and must not be sold. For example, in the case of electrical appliances, a critical defect could mean a risk of fire or electrocution.

Major Defects: These defects do not pose a danger to the user but are significant enough to cause product returns. Major defects might include significant deviations from the product’s specifications that affect its performance or appearance in a way that is likely to be unacceptable to the end-user.

Minor Defects: These are the least severe issues that are unlikely to affect the product’s function or performance. They may not be noticeable or only be of concern under close scrutiny. Minor defects could include small discolourations or surface blemishes that do not affect the product’s overall functionality.

Factors that Determine the AQL Limit You Set

The lower the AQL limit you set, the stricter the quality threshold, which results in fewer defective products being accepted. In other words, you’re opting for a tighter control on quality. It follows then that a higher AQL limit will result in a higher acceptance of defects, meaning more defective products will reach the market. When determining the AQL limit you should be setting, several factors must be taken into account:

Product Use and Safety: The intended use of the product and the level of risk it presents in case of failure are critical considerations. Products that are used in high-risk applications or those that can compromise user safety have a much lower AQL for critical defects, so a stricter quality threshold.

Suggested Read – How Do The Aql Inspection Levels In Iso 2859-1 Affect Sampling Size?

Industry Standards: Different industries have different quality standards that must be adhered to. The AQL for medical devices, for instance, is much lower compared to general consumer goods.

Customer Expectations: Understanding what level of quality your customer expects is also vital. High-end products will generally require a much lower AQL as customers are paying a premium for perceived quality.

Historical Quality Performance: Analysing the history of product defects and past inspections can help in setting a more accurate AQL. If historical data indicates a trend in defects, the AQL can be adjusted accordingly.

Market Competition: In markets with high competition, a lower AQL may be necessary to maintain a competitive edge in terms of quality.

Direct and Indirect Cost of Defects: The cost of dealing with defects using AQL sampling table, including returns, repairs and replacements, can influence the AQL. A lower AQL level could be more cost-effective in the long run if the cost of dealing with defects is high. If a product is defective, there may be costs involved in returning the item to the manufacturer, repairing it to meet quality standards, or replacing it altogether. These costs can accumulate quickly and have a significant financial impact on a business. By investing more upfront in quality control to maintain a lower AQL, you are likely to catch and fix defects early in the production process, which tends to be less expensive than dealing with returns, repairs and replacements after the products have reached the market. Additionally, preventing defects can help avoid the indirect costs associated with customer dissatisfaction, such as damage to your brand’s reputation and the potential loss of future sales.

Determining the right AQL general inspection level is an intricate balancing act. It involves a deep understanding of the types of defects and various factors that reflect the standards and expectations of your product’s particular market. It’s not just about setting a number; it’s about aligning that number with a comprehensive strategy that includes product functionality, customer satisfaction, safety, legal compliance and economic sense.

An adequately set AQL will help maintain quality control standards that protect your brand’s reputation and ensure the safety and satisfaction of the end-user. It’s a critical component of any robust quality assurance programme, and while it requires an upfront investment in understanding and implementation, the payoff in reduced defects and increased customer trust is invaluable. The goal is to achieve the highest quality possible within the constraints of your production capabilities and market demands. Setting a suitable AQL level is not the end but the beginning of a commitment to continuous quality improvement and excellence.Contact us for a review of your AQL and uncover how a revision may improve your bottom line.

Factory Acceptance Test: A Comprehensive Checklist

Quality inspection is paramount to ensure that products manufactured meet accepted quality and safety standards. In this article, we looked at quality inspections carried out at the beginning of the manufacturing process. Let’s now look at the type of inspection that you as the manufacturer or accepting customer can order as the final check in the manufacturing process – that last pre-shipment inspection of the product before it leaves the factory for delivery to the customer. This test is known as the Factory Acceptance Test or FAT.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore what the Factory Acceptance Test is, its importance, provide a checklist of what it entails and explain why it’s conducted on the manufacturer’s site.

What Is the Factory Acceptance Test?

The Factory Acceptance Test (FAT) is a rigorous evaluation conducted on equipment or machinery to ensure that it meets predefined specifications and performs as intended before it is shipped to the customer. Essentially, it’s a final quality assurance step before the product leaves the factory floor.

Why is the Factory Acceptance Test (FAT) Important?

The FAT serves as a critical quality control measure, providing assurance to both manufacturers and customers that the product meets expectations. By conducting an FAT, you can identify and address any issues or defects before the product reaches the customer, minimising the risk of costly rework, delays, or customer dissatisfaction.

What Factory Acceptance Test Standards Do We Check For?

Specific standards may vary depending on the industry and product type and we are familiar with all that apply. Common standards include ISO 9001 for quality management systems and ASTM or ASME standards for mechanical equipment. Industry-specific standards and regulations like FDA regulations for medical devices or ASME B31.3 for piping systems may also apply. Our role is to ensure that the relevant standards are met before your product leaves your factory. 

Factory Acceptance Test Protocol

The Factory Acceptance Test Protocol outlines the procedures and requirements for conducting the test. It typically includes:

  • Test plan: This is a detailed plan outlining the tests to be conducted, including acceptance criteria and performance standards.
  • Test procedures: This provides step-by-step instructions for conducting each test, including equipment set-up, data collection and evaluation criteria.
  • Test documentation: This provides comprehensive documentation of test results, including test reports, certificates and any deviations from specifications.

Factory Acceptance Test Checklist

When we conduct a Factory Acceptance Test, we typically follow the following checklist:

  • Verification of Specifications: We ensure that the product meets all agreed-upon specifications outlined in the contract or purchase order. This includes verifying dimensions, materials, performance parameters, and any other technical requirements specified by the customer.
  • Functional Testing: We conduct thorough functional tests to verify that the product operates as intended under normal operating conditions. We test all functionalities, modes of operation and performance capabilities according to the product’s specifications. We also perform stress testing or endurance testing to assess the product’s performance under extreme conditions or prolonged use.
  • Safety Checks: We verify that the product complies with all relevant safety standards and regulations applicable to its intended use, testing features such as emergency stops, overload protection, interlocks and fail-safe mechanisms. We also ensure that warning labels, safety instructions and user manuals are provided and are clearly visible.
  • Documentation Review: We review all documentation related to the product, including operation manuals, maintenance instructions, test reports and certificates of compliance, verifying that documentation is complete and accurate and that all necessary revisions and updates have been incorporated.
  • Packaging Inspection: We inspect the packaging to ensure that it will protect the product during transportation and handling. To ascertain this, we check for any signs of damage, or improper sealing that could compromise the integrity of the packaging and that packaging materials are correctly positioned to prevent movement or vibration during transit.
  • Calibration and Measurement: We calibrate all measurement instruments and test equipment used during the FAT to ensure accuracy and reliability of test results. We also check that all measurement data is recorded accurately and meets established calibration standards.
  • Operational Training: Our assurance of standards goes beyond the manufacturer’s responsibilities. We also provide training to the customer’s staff so that they can properly operate and maintain the product and can troubleshoot when needed. We demonstrate key features, functions and operating procedures to ensure that they are familiar with the product’s operation and safety precautions and we address any questions or concerns raised by the customer regarding product operation, maintenance or performance.
  • Customer Acceptance: The final stage of the Factory Acceptance Test is to obtain formal acceptance from the customer confirming that the product meets their requirements and expectations. We ensure that customer acceptance is documented in writing, including any conditions or reservations expressed by the customer. We address any outstanding issues or concerns identified during the FAT to ensure customer satisfaction and compliance with contractual obligations.
  • By following a comprehensive Factory Acceptance Test checklist, you as the manufacturer can be assured that your products meet quality standards, performance specifications and customer expectations before they are delivered to the customer. 

Why Do We Perform FAT on the Manufacturer’s Site and Not the Customer’s?

Conducting the FAT on the manufacturer’s site offers several advantages. We have access to all necessary equipment, tools and personnel to conduct thorough testing and can provide immediate resolution to any issues uncovered. Having access to the right equipment ensures that all aspects of the product’s performance can be evaluated comprehensively, from functionality and reliability to safety and durability. Manufacturers can customise testing set-ups and configurations as needed to simulate real-world operating conditions and assess the product’s performance under various scenarios. With their skilled personnel on site, we can identify and diagnose issues more effectively during the testing process and gain valuable insights and recommendations for optimising the product’s performance and addressing any deficiencies uncovered during testing.

One of the most significant advantages of conducting the FAT on the manufacturer’s site is the ability to provide immediate resolution to any issues or defects uncovered during testing. Whether it involves troubleshooting technical problems, fine-tuning performance parameters, or implementing design modifications, manufacturers can take swift corrective action to ensure that the product meets all specified requirements and quality standards.

This proactive approach not only accelerates the testing process but also instils confidence in the product’s reliability and performance, demonstrating the manufacturer’s commitment to delivering a high-quality product that meets customer expectations.

So, whether you are a manufacturer seeking the final confirmation that your product meets the required standards before it leaves your factory, or you are the customer needing this verification before accepting delivery of the goods, Global Inspection Managing can support you in conducting the Factory Acceptance Test. Contact us today to find out more.

Why First Article Inspection is Critical to Your Manufacturing Process

Validating that your products meet the required contractual and safety standards of manufacture is vital for any manufacturing process. Inspections can take place for incoming raw materials that you use in the manufacturing process or at the very end as a final inspection before the product leaves the factory. However, within the manufacturing process at certain stages, other inspections are needed. 

In this article, we will explore what we call the First Article Inspection, when and why it is needed, what it entails and how it is different from the Production Part Approval Process (PPAP).

What Is a First Article Inspection?

A First Article Inspection (FAI) is a comprehensive examination and verification of the first production item from a new production run or a new part. It involves comparing the physical characteristics, dimensions and performance of the first article against engineering drawings, specifications and quality standards to ensure conformity and accuracy.

When Should a First Article Inspection Occur?

FAI should ideally occur at the onset of a new production run or when introducing a new part into production. It serves as a critical checkpoint to validate that the manufacturing processes are capable of producing parts that meet design specifications and quality requirements.

First Article Inspection Example

To gain a comprehensive understanding of a first article inspection and its essential components, it’s beneficial to examine a First Article Inspection Form.

Similar to other quality processes, a first article inspection requires thorough documentation and mutual agreement among all involved parties. This documentation ensures that the assessment details are recorded accurately and acknowledged by all stakeholders.

Having a documented first article inspection serves as a reference point for both the supplier and the buyer in case of any potential issues arising in the future with the product or production run. It establishes a clear record of the initial assessment for future reference and resolution.

What Happens During an FAI?

During an FAI, inspectors meticulously examine the first production item to ensure that it meets all specified requirements. They verify dimensions, tolerances, material properties and functional performance through a combination of physical inspection, measurements and testing.

How To Conduct an Effective FAI?

Conducting an effective FAI involves several key steps that we include in any First Article Inspection checklist:

  • Preparation: We gather all relevant documentation, including engineering drawings, specifications and quality standards and develop a comprehensive FAI plan outlining the inspection methods, sampling plan, and acceptance criteria.
  • Physical Inspection: We physically inspect the first article against the engineering drawings and specifications, verifying dimensions, tolerances, surface finishes and material properties.
  • Functional Testing: We conduct functional tests to verify that the part performs as intended under normal operating conditions. This may include stress tests, performance evaluations or environmental testing.
  • Documentation: We document all inspection results, including measurements, test data, and observations, in a detailed First Article Inspection Report (FAIR) and ensure that the FAIR complies with industry standards. For example, we will conduct an AS9102 First Article Inspection to ensure compliance to the standard AS9102 for aerospace applications.
  • Review and Approval: We review the FAIR with you and your customer to obtain approval for production and address any discrepancies or non-conformities identified during the FAI process.

What is the Difference between PPAP and FAI?

While both the Production Part Approval Process (PPAP) and FAI serve as integral components of quality assurance in manufacturing, they are distinct processes designed to fulfil different purposes.

PPAP is a comprehensive product inspection protocol aimed at validating the production process itself. It is primarily concerned with ensuring that parts meet customer requirements consistently over time. PPAP involves a systematic review of the manufacturing process, including documentation of procedures, verification of tooling and equipment, and validation of production capabilities. The goal of PPAP is to establish confidence in the production process’s ability to consistently produce parts that meet specified requirements.

FAI, on the other hand, is specifically focused on the initial production run of a new part or product. Its primary objective is to verify that the first article or prototype of the product meets design specifications and quality standards before full-scale production commences. FAI involves a detailed examination and evaluation of the initial production item, comparing its dimensions, characteristics, and performance against engineering drawings and specifications. The purpose of FAI is to identify any discrepancies or non-conformities early in the production process, ensuring that subsequent production runs meet the desired quality standards.

First Article Inspection is a critical quality assurance process that validates the first production item from a new production run or part introduction. To maintain consistent quality in your production process when you introduce new components, ask us about FAI today.

What is IQC Inspection and Why Is It Critical to Your Manufacturing Processes?

As a manufacturer, a key part of your manufacturing process is ensuring quality at each stage of production. Incoming Quality Control (IQC) is an important component to the quality assurance process and one of the most critical, being at the start of your production process.

In this article, we’ll explore what IQC is, the risks associated with not incorporating IQC advanced inspection solutions into your processes, and the different types of IQC inspection you should be considering along with the advantages it will bring to your business. We’ll also provide clear insights into the challenges that can arise, what you can expect from your IQC inspector in terms of support during onsite inspection, and how to select an inspection team that is aligned with your quality control objectives. 

What is IQC?

IQC, or Incoming Quality Control, is a quality management process that involves inspecting incoming raw materials or components to ensure they meet predefined quality standards before they are used in your manufacturing process. This can include pre-shipment inspection as well as material inspection. 

From visual inspections that scrutinise surface imperfections to dimensional checks that ensure components fit like pieces of a puzzle, IQC covers every aspect quality control. Consider it the first line of defence to prevent quality issues from infiltrating the manufacturing process. It’s the proactive stance that says, “We won’t compromise on quality, not now, not ever.”

What are the Risks of Inadequate IQC Processes? 

The risks associated with inadequate IQC processes are significant. Using subpar materials in manufacturing can lead to product defects, increased rework or scrap rates, customer dissatisfaction, and even potential safety hazards. Moreover, it can result in production delays and increased costs due to the need for corrective measures or replacements. Let’s take a look at each of these in turn. 

Product Defects: Adopting substandard materials in manufacturing increases the likelihood of defects in the final product. These defects may manifest as structural weaknesses, poor performance, or functional failures, ultimately compromising the product’s reliability and longevity. When these reach the end user, their satisfaction and possible safety, as well as your reputation is a trusted supplier is at risk. 

Customer Dissatisfaction: Delivering products with inferior quality can erode customer trust and loyalty. Dissatisfied customers may voice complaints, request refunds or replacements, and even switch to competitors, again destroying the reputation you have worked hard to establish.

Potential Safety Hazards: In industries where product safety is paramount, such as automotive, aerospace, or healthcare, using subpar materials can pose significant safety risks. Faulty components may lead to equipment malfunction, operational failures, or, in extreme cases, accidents or injuries, exposing both consumers and you as the manufacturer to legal liabilities and reputational damage.

Production Delays: Dealing with quality issues at later stages of production can disrupt workflow schedules and lead to costly delays. You may need to halt production lines, conduct emergency inspections, source alternative materials, or implement corrective actions, all of which contribute to inefficiencies and lost productivity.

Increased Costs: Addressing quality issues post-production incurs additional expenses. Whether it involves reworking defective parts, scrapping unusable materials, or implementing corrective measures, these costs can quickly escalate and eat into profit margins. Moreover, the longer defects go unnoticed, the costlier it becomes to rectify them, as they may have already propagated downstream in the production process.

The way to mitigate these risks is to incorporate IQC inspections into your processes. Investing in robust, professional IQC inspection processes not only safeguards product quality, but also protects against potential financial losses, regulatory penalties and reputational harm. It underscores the importance of proactive quality management strategies that prioritise the integrity and reliability of incoming materials.

What to Expect with IQC Inspection

IQC inspection is the systematic evaluation of incoming materials to verify their quality, conformity to specifications and suitability for use in production as a first line of defence. 

IQC inspections can take various forms depending on the nature of the materials being assessed and the specific requirements of the manufacturing process. They can take the form of Initial Production Check (IPC), During Production Inspection (DUPRO) or  Raw Material Inspection. The following are some of the most common types of IQC inspections: 

Visual Inspection: Often the first step in the quality control process, visual inspection involves a thorough examination with the naked eye of incoming materials for any visible defects or irregularities such as scratches, dents and discolouration. By visually inspecting each material, inspectors can quickly identify any issues that may affect its quality or suitability for use in production. 

Dimensional Inspection: With precise measuring tools such as calipers, micrometers or coordinate measuring machines (CMMs), inspectors can measure components to ensure they meet specified tolerances as well as length, width, depth, diameter, and other dimensions of components. Dimensional inspection is crucial for maintaining product quality and preventing issues related to poor fit or alignment.

Functional Testing: Functional testing assesses the performance and functionality of components to ensure they meet design requirements and specifications. Components are subjected to various tests and simulations to evaluate their performance under real-world conditions. Examples of functional tests include stress testing, endurance testing and performance benchmarking. This proactive approach means you can address potential issues before they impact product quality or performance.

Material Testing: Material testing involves analysing the composition, properties and behaviour of raw materials to ensure they meet quality standards and specifications. Materials can be subjected to chemical analysis, hardness testing and mechanical testing. Chemical analysis identifies the elemental composition of materials, while hardness testing assesses their resistance to indentation or deformation. Mechanical testing evaluates material strength, ductility and other mechanical properties. 

By employing a combination of inspections and testing, you can identify and address potential quality issues early in the production process, minimising risks and ensuring consistent product quality. Let’s look at the advantages IQC inspection brings to your manufacturing business in more detail.

IQC Inspection Advantages

Quality Assurance: We’ve already established that, in manufacturing, quality assurance is essential for ensuring products meet standards. By carefully examining incoming materials, IQC inspection helps maintain the foundation of quality upon which products are built. 

Cost Reduction: By identifying defects early in the production process, IQC inspection helps minimise wastage and the need for expensive rework or warranty claims. This proactive approach saves you money by preventing potential losses and maximising resource efficiency.

Compliance: IQC inspection helps you navigate compliance requirements from various regulations and standards. You avoid costly fines, legal issues and damage to your reputation, ensuring smooth compliance approvals. 

Customer Satisfaction: Ultimately, customer satisfaction is key in any business. IQC inspection contributes to this by ensuring products meet or exceed expectations. IQC inspection helps you deliver consistently high-quality products and build trust and loyalty with customers, creating positive experiences that keep them coming back.

Why You Need an Experienced, Independent ICQ Inspector

Navigating IQC requires the skills of a professional IQC inspector as IQC inspection poses the following challenges among others:

Sampling Accuracy: IQC inspectors must use their experience to select specimens that truly represent the quality of the entire batch. Failure to do so can lead to potential errors in decision-making, where a flawed sample may paint an inaccurate picture of the overall material quality, leading to misguided actions and suboptimal outcomes.

Resource Intensity: Conducting thorough IQC inspections requires a significant investment of resources, which can strain operational efficiency if not managed efficiently. The challenge lies in maximising the effectiveness of inspections without unduly burdening the resources available. Finding this equilibrium requires a keen understanding of priorities, strategic allocation of resources and continuous optimisation of processes to ensure that IQC inspections remain efficient and effective in safeguarding product quality.

Complex Supply Chains: From language barriers to cultural differences, logistical challenges to regulatory disparities, managing IQC across diverse supply chains requires adaptability, flexibility and a willingness to collaborate across boundaries. It’s a test of resilience in the face of complexity, where success hinges on the ability to forge strong partnerships, foster open communication and leverage technology to enhance transparency and traceability throughout the supply chain.

By addressing sampling variability, optimising resource allocation, and fostering collaboration across supply chains, IQC inspection becomes an asset to your business, ensuring that quality remains the cornerstone of manufacturing excellence.

What to Expect from an IQC Inspector

In addition to navigating the challenging minefields we have just mentioned, a qualified IQC Inspector will carry out the following responsibilities:

Conduct Inspections with Precision: An IQC inspector’s primary duty is to conduct inspections on incoming materials with unwavering precision and adherence to established procedures and standards. 

Document and Report: Your IQC Inspector will document inspection results comprehensively and accurately., which serves as an evidence trail, providing transparency and accountability throughout the inspection process. Any non-conformities detected must be reported promptly, initiating the necessary corrective actions. 

Collaborate for Continuous Improvement: As well as being an inspector, your IQC Inspector is an agent of change, actively collaborating with suppliers to address quality issues and implement corrective actions. They serve as ambassadors of quality, fostering constructive dialogue and driving continuous improvement initiatives to enhance efficiency and effectiveness across the board.

Continuously Learn and Adapt: An effective IQC inspector is committed to continuous learning and adaptation, staying abreast of industry trends, emerging technologies, and best practices in quality management. They are the perpetual students of their craft, always seeking new ways to refine and optimise IQC processes for maximum impact.

How to Hire a Reliable IQC Inspector

It’s all well and good knowing the benefits of incorporating IQC Inspection in your manufacturing process and what to expect of an IQC Inspector. But how do you go about hiring the right one for your business? Here’s how to hire the right candidate for the job:

Relevant Experience: Look for candidates with a proven track record of relevant experience in quality control, preferably within your industry or a similar manufacturing environment. Experience breeds expertise, and seasoned inspectors bring valuable insights and insights into the table.

Technical Expertise: Quality inspection is a technical discipline that requires a solid understanding of materials, manufacturing processes and quality standards. Seek candidates with a strong technical background and a keen eye for detail, capable of interpreting specifications and identifying potential quality issues with precision.

Attention to Detail: Look for candidates who demonstrate exceptional attention to detail, meticulousness in their work and a commitment to thoroughness in every aspect of their inspections. A single oversight can have far-reaching consequences, making attention to detail a non-negotiable trait in an IQC inspector.

Communication and Collaboration Skills: An effective IQC inspector must be adept at communication and collaboration, capable of effectively liaising with suppliers, colleagues and stakeholders to address quality issues and drive improvement initiatives. Look for candidates who demonstrate strong interpersonal skills, the ability to communicate clearly and concisely and a collaborative mindset that fosters teamwork and cooperation.

Interview and Assessment: Finally, conduct thorough interviews and assessments to gauge the candidate’s suitability for the role. Ask probing questions to assess their knowledge, experience and problem-solving abilities. Consider practical exercises or simulations to evaluate their inspection skills in action. By investing time and effort in the hiring process, you can ensure that you’re selecting the right candidate to safeguard the quality of your products.

What Is Quality Control In Furniture Manufacturing

Furniture manufacturing is a complex process that involves various stages, from designing and material selection to production and assembly. At each stage, there is a possibility of defects or errors that can compromise the quality of the final product. To ensure that furniture is of high quality, furniture manufacturers implement quality control processes to identify and rectify any issues that may arise during production.

Adequate furniture inspections are crucial in mitigating risks, ensuring high quality, and optimising the use of raw materials during manufacturing. The inspection process should cover various aspects, such as assembly, finish, colour, design, packaging, labelling, and marking. By implementing a rigorous inspection process, manufacturers can ensure their products meet the necessary quality, safety, and durability requirements. They also provide the flexibility to address issues and make corrections before completing the final product. This reduces the likelihood of production failures and post-sale service issues related to defects and helps to verify the quality of materials, manufacturing, and finishing.

In this blog, we will explore what quality control in furniture manufacturing entails, the importance of furniture quality standards, the benefits of furniture QC, how to conduct furniture testing at a laboratory, and the advantages of choosing a reliable quality control partner.

What is Furniture Quality Control?

Quality control in furniture manufacturing ensures the products meet a specific quality standard. It involves a set of measures that the manufacturer implements to ensure that the furniture is of high quality and meets the required specifications. The process begins with the raw materials inspection to the final assembly of the furniture. The goal is to ensure that the products are free of defects, safe, and meet the customer’s expectations.

What are Furniture Quality Standards

Furniture quality standards are sets of guidelines and requirements for furniture manufacturing. They define the required quality level of furniture production and cover aspects such as safety, durability, strength, and environmental impact. These standards aim to ensure that furniture manufacturers produce high-quality furniture that meets the required specifications.

To ensure their furniture products can endure various weather elements, including sun, rain, snow, and wind, manufacturers must consider internationally recognized standards that comprise inspections and testing. Here are some of the standards to keep in mind:

ASTM F1561-03

ASTM F1561-03 is an international standard developed by the American Section of the International Association for Testing Materials (ASTM). It assesses the performance requirements for outdoor plastic chairs for residential and non-residential use.

Outdoor Furniture Standards in Europe

In Europe, outdoor furniture recalls account for a significant 49%. To tackle this issue, two standards have been established for outdoor furniture in the region:

  • EN 581-1: This provides general safety requirements for outdoor furniture.
  • EN 581-3: This provides mechanical quality control procedures for outdoor tables.

EN 581 Standards

The European Committee for Standardisation (CEN) has developed a set of standards to address all safety requirements for outdoor furniture. The standards include:

  • EN 581-1: General safety requirements for outdoor furniture.
  • EN 581-2: Mechanical test methods to establish safety for outdoor seating furniture.
  • EN 581-3: Mechanical testing procedures for outdoor tables.
  • EN 581-4: Durability testing of outdoor furniture when exposed to environmental factors such as rain.

EN 581-3 Revisions

EN 581-3 was updated in January 2017 to clarify testing procedures for various types of outdoor tables, including those with extensions, longer tables, and smaller tables. The revised version also includes requirements for glass table tops to protect parasol holes and prevent metal-to-glass contact.

AFNOR NF D60-300

AFNOR NF D60-300 is a safety standard developed by the French Standardisation Association (AFNOR) for outdoor seating and tables designed for children. The standard outlines safety requirements and test procedures.

UL 962

UL 962 is an international safety standard developed by Underwriters Laboratories (UL), an independent global supply safety solutions company. The standard applies to household and commercial furnishings, including outdoor furniture.

Benefits of Furniture QC

Furniture manufacturing is an industry where quality is paramount. By implementing effective quality control measures, manufacturers can achieve a range of benefits that include:

  • Quality Assurance: Implementing quality control measures assures customers that the products they receive are of high quality and free of defects.
  • Improved Production Process: Integrating quality control protocols helps identify and rectify defects at an early stage, which leads to an improvement in the production process. As a result, products are manufactured in a more streamlined and efficient manner.
  • Reduced Production Costs: Enforcing quality control standards can minimise the chances of manufacturing defective products, ultimately reducing production costs and maximising the return on investment.
  • Increased Customer Satisfaction: Furniture products that meet the required quality standards result in higher customer satisfaction and loyalty. This is essential for maintaining a solid reputation and gaining a competitive edge in the industry.

How to Conduct Furniture Testing at a Laboratory?

Furniture testing is a critical aspect of quality control in furniture manufacturing. It helps to identify defects in the furniture and evaluate its performance and compliance with the required quality standards. Here are the steps for conducting lab testing for furniture:

  • Sample Collection: Manufacturers collect samples of furniture components that require testing. These samples typically represent the different types of furniture that they produce.
  • Testing Methodology: The appropriate testing methodology is then selected based on the type of furniture and the quality criteria being evaluated. This may involve a combination of different tests, including strength testing, durability testing, safety testing, and environmental impact testing.
  • Quality Assessment: The samples are then tested for various quality parameters, such as strength, durability, safety, and environmental impact. The results are then evaluated to determine whether the products meet the required quality standards.
  • Furniture Inspection Report: Finally, a detailed furniture inspection report is generated that outlines the results of the tests and identifies any defects or issues that need to be addressed.

Selecting a reliable quality control partner is crucial for furniture manufacturers who seek to ensure that their products meet the required quality standards and gain a competitive advantage in the market. By partnering with a trusted quality control provider, manufacturers can get the following advantages:

  • Quality assurance, where customers can get furniture that meet the required quality standards
  • Experienced professionals who are knowledgeable about the latest furniture testing methodologies
  • Customised services that are tailored to the specific needs of each client
  • Compliance with international standards ensures that all products comply with international standards and regulations for safety and quality,


Global Inspection Managing (GIM) is a reputable quality control partner in the furniture manufacturing industry with extensive experience working with leading brands in the field. Our team comprises experienced professionals who are proficient in using the latest testing methodologies to guarantee that all furniture meet the necessary quality standards. We provide customised services that cater to the unique requirements of our clients, ensuring compliance with global safety, quality, and environmental impact regulations. We employ state-of-the-art technology for accurate and efficient furniture testing, giving our clients a competitive advantage in the market.

Choosing a reliable quality control partner is vital for furniture manufacturers, and GIM is a top company in this field. With customised services, international standards compliance, cutting-edge technology, and an experienced team, we help furniture manufacturers meet the required quality standards, gain a competitive edge, and succeed in the global market.


What Is Drop shipping?

 The Dropship Model                                                           

Dropshipping is a supply chain management method in which the retailer can operate
without maintaining an inventory. Instead transfers the customer orders and shipment
details to the manufacturer, another retailer, or a wholesaler, who then packages the
products and ships the goods directly to the retailer’s customer on the retailer’s behalf.

What is the best dropshipping  company for me ?

Although Drop shipping is very popular, there are often scams from people pretending to
be drop shipping companies. Therefore, it is important to do a deep China company search to verify its legitimacy and evaluate it based on your needs Therefore we have established for you a list of the top 15
dropshipping companies that you will find on the web.      

1) Chinabrands                     5 best chinese dropshipping companies

This is a business-to-business e-commerce website that facilitates the sale of
manufactured products from small and medium enterprises to buyers.Chinabrands
operates in English, French, German, Italian, Russian, Spanish and Chinese.

2) Gearbest                

Gearbest is an online shopping platform specializing in electronic products, gadgets Interesting chinese dropshipping  website 
and fashion menswear. drop shipping Gearbest offers 45 days no-failure return service and 24-hour technical support call. 

Price: Join for free

3) Aliexpress        

AliExpress is a chinese wholesale platform but also a dropshipping platform that connects
dropshippers to suppliers and products.The platform offers millions of 
produts from suppliers in 40 categories.   The best chinese dropshipping companies

Price: Free sign-up.

4) Dhgate                        

This company functions in a similar way as eBay as it helps to connect 2 best chinese dropshipping companies
buyers and sellers of different types of products together. 

5) Tomtop                     

No joining fee                                                                 
5%-20% dropship discount 
Free shipping for some countries        

6) Dealextreme                                                 6 best chinese dropshipping companies 

DX dropshipping program is total free, the more you buy, the more you save. All packages from DX.com are sent without  DX logo or any information indicating DX.com.                                                                                                                                                                                                           

Best chinese dropshipping website

7) DropInTheBox  

DropInTheBox.com is a brand new release of LightInTheBox.com, which specializes in providing drop shippers, wholesalers and bulk buyers of all kinds with professional service and hundreds of items at lowest possible prices. A quick look    around DropInTheBox will reveal a careful selection of LightInTheBox’s best selling electronic gadgets, car electronics, faucets, tattoo equipment and much more.

           Best  dropshipping website China

8) Banggood                                                

No fees.
Personalized recommendations.
No watermark photos, 5 to 20% discount.         

      3 Best  dropshipping website China

9) Panda Hall           

PandaHall is the best dropshipping wholesaler for jewelry and beads.   
With excellent discounts and a vast range of products.                                  

                          10 Best  dropshipping website China

10) Chinavision                                      

At Chinavasion, electronics gadgets are sourced directly from   
Chinese factories at the lowest price 

Cheap  dropshipping website China

11) Taobao      

Taobao.com is the most popular marketplace in China where you can find wide variety of products at very low prices. Taobao dropshipping
is made easy by Taobao Age. Simply order they handle the rest
for you from buying to shipping direct to your customer.   Dropshipping in China

12) CJDropshipping 

Hundred thousands of product selections Free sourcing service for any products, automatic generate tracking numbers Oversea warehouse for
domestic shipping. Automatic update tracking numbers to your
store Up to 1 day processing and shipping Delivery tracking and statistics.                                                   

One-to-one 6 days 16 hours online support.


China is the world largest manufacturer country in the world map. There are spacious possibilities of business. Many of the businessman and industry are taking interest in china market. But it is important to check the registration and business license of the company with which you are doing business.

These registration services is available in every country and China has also appropriate registration authority and system and we will now describe it in detail

  • Prior to inspect about the details, here we are giving brief information about the latest updates about company registration website in China.
  • There is no English-language search service for company registrations in Mainland China
  • No any English language search website for company registration is available in mainland china.
  • Local company registration service is also available in different province of china, which can be browse in Chinese language.
  • English language company registration search website available in Hong Kong. Well, it is also noticeable that collaborating the business with Chinese companies, the expertise of Chinese language is necessary.

English language China Company Registration searches

The administration of mainland china is walking in the traditional line where company registration details available in Chinese language It might be possible that the reason of this is, the official and national language is Chinese. Moreover government official websites are in Chinese language, so most of the company registration in Chinese language.

It generally indicates that even if china company registration service might be accessible in English language database, then the user is likely to have the knowledge of Chinese language so that they can bring fruitful searches in the interface.

And if somehow, if you have managed to found the details of company registration during china company search but you will see that company registration will be redirected to Chinese language rather than English

Country level Company Registration Search Facility

In the year 2015, China has implemented most anticipated nationwide company registration search website and we can see the development and further updates in the website time to time.

The website is known as “National Enterprise Credit Information Publicity System:” you can check  it on the internet.

In the year 2016, this system enables users to search companies across the Mainland China and they can get the company registration and official name of company information. This is a helpful for people to use nationwide system but in spite of having integrated search system, it is not update with latest version

Though, it has many drawbacks but the initiative taken by china has formulated nationwide search system. China knows the technicalities and possibility of business expansion in its sphere because there are plenty of companies in the china.

Local AIC Company Registration Websites

Besides having the option of searching the website nationwide for checking the company registration every province has their own local AIC company registration in China which are administrated by an AIC– Administration of Industry and Commerce.

As the name suggests, this is the region wise government association that handle with company registration in their specific area.  AIC is allotted in every province in china and there many other small branches in district.

So if you are looking for local company registration search you need to search on district wise and province wise. These local authorities have the strong database of company registration.  Here is below the list:

Hong Kong has separated AIC where you can search company registration details in English language because it is different from mainland china. It is considered that English language has the status of official language for company incorporation. Hong Kong registration searches are improved and helpful to foreign businesses because the details are accessible in the English language.

How to Identify “Is this China Company is Real”?

This is somehow the important question among all. We suggest that to verify a Chinese company business company from the china company verification service website, but you need to understand one thing that, the registered capital that website discloses might be different.

The best thing about china check up verification service is that the procedure of authenticating a Chinese company is hassle free. One can get the services by ordering online via email in the PDF format.

Using search engine and Chinese supplier directory is also a good option to find the reality of the company in china.  In china, the search engine Baidu can have the database of company check. You can also search in Google and Bing.

Many B2B directories are available where you can easily access the company details by typing the name and other information.

Ask local authorities about the company records, you can make a phone call directly to Chinese manufacturer and ask the documents of company registration. If we talk about the landline of china will appear as 86 10 2222 2222 where 86 is the country code of china 10 is the area code and rest eight digit in the telephone number.

Ask about the business license from the company that is doing the business. They must be registered under the Chinese government authority.  If the Chinese manufacturer is failed to provide unique company registration, then the you need to understand that something is fishy and it will be a wise decision to turn down the plan of doing business with such suspicious company.  You can verify the registration number by visiting the local authorities and administration in china.

You can ask bank reference letter to check the financial credit of the manufacturer. You can check the quality of manufacturer by asking their previous customer or existing customers. Never hesitate to ask because this is a crucial question and you can ask to the renowned brand of the china to know for the best recommendation from their side.

Asking for sample is also the wise decision to check the quality of the goods and material of the respective Chinese company. After checking the quality, you will be sure to take the right step in terms of doing business with them.

You can also ask to a Professional Verification company


Hundreds of companies whose turnover touch the millions of dollars rely on China for importing products. They sell those imported products from China on Amazon. Though the products are cheap and they reap good profits, these companies find it hard to control the quality. Out of a product consignment, around 3% pieces are found defective for consumer goods made in China. 3% of bad products in every shipment of yours is not too bad.

Most buyers set 2.5% Acceptable Quality Limit (AQL) for major limits and 4% for minor defects. In practice, the tolerance band is higher because the underlying standard limits the risk of the producer more than the consumer’s risk. Even a small mistake on Amazon can be a disaster for businessmen. The disappointed customers would definitely complain which might prevent your sales.

Some Amazon FBA sellers choose suppliers based on the sample, price and their budget. They run the standard QC inspections afterward. The supplier ships the consignment of product directly to Amazon’s fulfillment centers. Sometimes, it is good, but at the same time, it’s risky also.

If you noticed that you send an inspector before shipment, there is a process of making a detailed report. Do you have enough time to read the report? What if the reports point out some serious issues in the products? Then, what will you do? Ask the supplier to stop shipment. You also would not have enough time to find a new supplier and get product manufactured.

Damage Control Mode of Buyers

When the above-stated problem arises, most of the buyers do damage control and ask the supplier to get things fixed. After the supplier fixes the things, they call the inspector to recheck the quality. You need to decide whether you go for re-inspect or re-work again. It depends on the supplier whether he would do it or not.

There are a lot of dangers if a product is defective, the danger level varies with the positioning of the product and its category. If a product is premium and is high in price, the customer will complain whenever they found the defective product. In case of cheap products, the consumers are not going to complain that if few defective pieces are inside a pack of cheap accessories.

Amazon will definitely notice a lot of returns if your 3% products that cost too much and don’t work. You need to ensure that all the products should get fixed before it leaves China. You can’t inspect the shipment when it is delivered to Amazon fulfillment centers. You can avoid all these problems of quality control by hiring a pre-shipment inspection company. Amazon also fines the company for defected products while it is a less expensive option to get inspected your products. A pre-shipment allows you to fulfill all Amazon FBA requirements from packing to barcode labeling, and for the same, you should not be dependent on the suppliers.

Following are some of the common problems of Amazon Sellers

Poor Product Quality

When the customer pays for something they expect it to be good. But if he or she does not find it the way they have expected. They took to Amazon to express their dissatisfaction with the product give it bad reviews which might cancel your Amazon account.

Inappropriate Packing and Labeling

Amazon refuses the damaged product and the cartons which have inappropriate labeling and packing.

Wrong Logistics Provider

Late delivery, VAT fees, and some additional unexpected costs because of the logistics provider.

What are the options of Shipping from China to Amazon FBA 

When it comes to sourcing products for your Amazon FBA (Fulfillment by Amazon) business, China is often a top choice for many sellers due to its vast manufacturing capabilities and cost-effectiveness. However, once you’ve found your ideal products, you face the crucial task of getting them from the factories in China to Amazon’s fulfillment centers. The shipping process can be complex, and making the right choice can significantly impact your business’s success.

You can either Shipping directly from China to Amazon FBA or ship products to a middleman or yourself. you can then forward then to Amazon FBA warehouses.

Pros & Cons of Shipping directly to Amazon FBA

  • Accelerated Transit: Significant reduction in the time taken for your products to arrive at Amazon’s warehouses, enabling faster product availability for sale on Amazon.
  • Cost Savings: Elimination of middleman expenses, saving you both money and the complexities associated with product inspection services.

Cons – Navigating the Challenges:

  • Amazon’s Multi-Warehouse Requirement: Amazon often necessitates shipping products to multiple warehouses, not a single centralized location, which can complicate logistics.
  • Upfront Freight and Duty Payments: Obligation to pay freight and duties before products reach Amazon can affect cash flow and financial planning.
  • Strict Amazon Standards: Adherence to Amazon’s stringent shipping, packaging, and quality standards is imperative, adding another layer of complexity to the process.

Things to know before first China Sourcing

Is China still a viable sourcing option in 2022? Despite the presence of alternative manufacturing locations, China remains the global leader in manufacturing and continues to be the primary choice for many Amazon FBA sellers. While other countries can also produce goods, China continues to dominate the manufacturing landscape worldwide. It is important to have an amazon FBA business plan.

Identifying dependable suppliers is pivotal for establishing a thriving eCommerce venture. These suppliers are essentially your partners in crafting top-quality, 5-star products that form the foundation of your business. Amazon PPC experts often emphasize that the core of effective campaign optimization and growth starts with having an excellent product. Hence, your first step is to secure a trustworthy supplier for that product.

However, given the evolving landscape, you might be pondering: What strategies are no longer effective?

Traditionally, one of the most favored methods for sourcing products from China involved physically visiting the country, touring the factory, meeting factory personnel, and witnessing the production process firsthand. But in light of recent changes, this approach may not be as practical or effective as it once was.

How can GIM help in fulfilling Amazon FBA shipping requirements?

Global Inspection Managing plays a crucial role in meeting the exacting shipping requirements of Amazon FBA, ensuring that products adhere to the platform’s rigorous standards. This process is essential for maintaining the quality of goods, adhering to labeling accuracy, and complying with Amazon’s packaging guidelines. Here’s how Global Inspection Managing contributes to fulfilling Amazon FBA shipping requirements:

  • Quality Assurance: Inspection services verify the overall quality of products, identifying and addressing any issues before they reach Amazon’s fulfillment centers.
  • Labeling Accuracy: Global Inspection Managing ensures that product labels are accurate and comply with Amazon’s specific requirements, preventing potential issues with mislabeled items.
  • Packaging Compliance: By conducting inspections at manufacturing or distribution sites, the process helps guarantee that packaging meets Amazon’s guidelines, reducing the risk of rejections or delays.
  • Proactive Issue Resolution: Identifying and rectifying potential issues early in the supply chain helps prevent shipping delays, customer dissatisfaction, and potential penalties.
  • Efficient FBA Process: GIM acts as a strategic quality control measure, enhancing the overall efficiency of Amazon’s FBA services and contributing to a seamless customer experience.