The market of Amazon is thriving and has surpassed every e-commerce company around the world. Every year, Amazon ships more than 608 million packages. It all has become possible because of the huge success of Amazon’s fulfillment platform called Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA).

Amazon FBA allows you to ship the products from your factory to the warehouse of Amazon and deliver it to the buyer of your product. But here is a catch since you don’t see your product yourself before the sale, your products are at risk of not meeting the Amazon’s labeling, packaging, and safety requirements.

Thus, it is mandatory for your products to get inspected before shipment packaging. Global Inspection Managing can help you with product inspection to meet the Amazon’s requirements.

Following are the 5 ways company can help you.

Have you ever think of detecting the problem from its origin point? If the defected products are found in the first place, you can quickly fix it at less expenditure. It took much time to ship the goods, but it makes sure that only quality products are shipped.

Quality inspection in China

Quality control majorly looks forward on product improvement, specification, and manufacturing process for all kind of goods and is especially important for buyers sourcing in China.

The main aim of is to identify all kind of problems, defects, and faults in the goods that do not follow required specification from the importers, suppliers or from general international standers. The main purpose of quality control inspection is identifying the issue or fault so that inspector can do changes early before shipping.

Why is third party inspection required?

Third party inspection is an agency which helps to provide different types of services and facilities to manufacture. Third party inspection provides final and satisfied opinion for manufactures product and good that is impartial. Todays, in modern world third party inspection play a very important role in the manufacture or producer. Third party inspection organization is a business company that is compiled with ISO standards 17020.

In China, third party inspection services for the Chinese industries and industries process is the most important part. It not only makes sure about optimally running process but also make sure about security process. The third party inspection services main aim is to make sure the manufacturer that only safe and quality& types of equipment’s should be used in during manufacturing the products and goods. Third party inspection required to inspects the equipment’s and raw materials before manufacturing the goods for the better quality product.

Advantages of third party inspection 

We all aware that third party inspection  in China is an agency that is provide service for manufacture by checking measuring of raw materials and equipment’s before starting the manufacturing process. There are some following advantages of third party inspection or quality control inspection.

  • Prevent charge-back due to the low quality product.
  • Quality inspection sourcing Build a good relationship with customers
  • Improve the quality of a product, third party inspection helps to improve product quality by better inspection.
  • Quality inspection sourcing is the Cost-effective process for buyers.